Here are some testimonials from former parents who sent their children to our classes and art camps!
“My kids had such a great time, Memories that will last a life time.” – RT
“In the summer art camp my son had an idea to create his own personal robot. He came up with his own drawings, built a 3D model, and made a presentation that was worthy of a reality TV show! And, he’s only 12!” – Donna C.
“My son had such a blast! He’s upset he won’t be there this week, but is so excited to be taking this class! Art has become such a passion for him! Thank you so much for doing this program.” – LM
“My daughter had so much fun making a mobile from scratch that now hangs in her bedroom. It’s so great when kids realize they can make something instead of always buying something!” – Stephanie M.
“My son has always been interested in art and art classes. The teacher was able to show him some techniques in painting that really made his art better. He’s happy and I’m happy.” – Dave B.
“My grandson stopped by at my work site to show me what he had painted. He is enjoying it MUCH more than soccer! Thanks!” – SM